Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Little Things

Some of you may remember the blog entry I wrote a while back about my trip to the local sports store and the excitement that came when the store alarm went off when I was trying to leave. Well, for the past 2, almost 3 months, that story has repeated itself over and over again. Almost every time I have gone into a store with an alarm it has gone off. It has gone off in the toy store, the grocery store, and the sports store.

I tried wearing and not wearing all kinds of different things to try and find out what it is that trips the alarm. I was beginning to think that my parents put a plate in my head when I was a kid and not told me about it. (If that were the case, it might explain a lot more than just alarms going off in random stores)

Just the other day our family was planning on going to one of the local grocery stores. It happens to be the store where the alarm has gone off every time I have been in it. In preparation for our visit to this particular store I was running down the list of possible combination of pants, shirt, jacket, belt, and shoes that I could go with to see if I could find a winning combination (I’m not talking about style…one that would not set the alarm off). After selecting what I hoped was just the right combination I started gathering the other little things I need for our trip. One of those little things was my wallet. I looked through my wallet before, thinking maybe there was a chip in one of cards I had in there. My searches before turned up nothing, but I was desperate and thought I would look again. This time I decided to search every little pocket my wallet that I could find.

At this point you have probably already guessed what happened. In one of the small back pockets of my wallet was a sticker. It was not just any sticker. It was a security sticker. Before we left for France I bought a new wallet because most money in the world is wider than the American Dollar. With a mix of feeling stupid for not checking before and excitement that I had finally found the cause of the problem I peeled the sticker out of my wallet.

I will admit, my heart was pounding when we got to the store. I let Amanda and the kids go through security alarms first. With my heart beating and Amanda looking back in hopeful expectation I walked through, and the strangest thing happened…nothing. Nothing! It was great. The alarm did not go off when I went in or when I left. It may seem crazy, but I told Amanda on our way home that it was a huge blessing to have that mystery solved. I can now go to the store without fear of alarms going off and awkward conversations.

I kept that little security sticker I found in my wallet. It is on my bedside table so I see it every day. It is there to remind me of something. Sometimes the little blessings turn out to be the biggest. I would have taken finding that sticker over getting a new music CD or a new movie. I would have taken finding it over a day off from French class (now that should tell you something). It was a small, but huge blessing to me, and that is the way it works sometimes in life. We think a great blessing equal a big blessing. We think waking up and finding a brand new car in our drive way is a great blessing, or something like that. However, God in His great wisdom, being a perfect Father, gives us better gifts that we think to ask for. He knew just how to encourage me that day in a way I would never have though of.


The Bells said...

I love the story. I could feel the excitement with you as you walked through the door. I'm glad that there is not fear in the little things anymore, because it does make a big difference. Much love, M

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your story. What a relief to find out the cause of all that embarrasment! And what a good reminder for all of us, too. Praying for your French learning,
Dan Hoobyar