Monday, February 25, 2013

House Hunt

You could say that looking for a house here is...well...interesting. These are a few things we have found ourselves asking:

Will people be able to look into my house because the living room or a bedroom is built into the outside wall (because, believe me, they will!)?

Is it even possible to install a hot water heater?

Is it next door to a boutique (mini convenience store), workshop (no zoning laws here), or daara (home for talibe boys)?

How's the cross-ventilation in the bedrooms?

Do you think the house will take in water during the rainy season?

Is the roof usable?

Will our car fit into the garage?

Just how close is the closest mosque (and how big are their loudspeakers)?

Does it have a water reservoir and a pump, or will we need to install one?

Eric is out looking at houses as I type. He's actually found one that we may move forward on. Simple, but a great location. We'll keep you posted.

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