Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Jesus is Better Than a Hot Shower

We don’t have a water heater in our temporary home. Not a huge problem most days. I heat water for the kids to bathe in a big bowl and Eric & I take cold showers.

We’ve come up with a method: First, wash extremities- arms, then legs. Second, the core. By that time, your body is “used to” (using that term lightly) the temperature of the water and I can do my hair. Not my preference, but not that bad either.

Last night, however, after I had soaped up, the water pressure dropped (no pump here either) and wouldn’t come out of the shower head any longer. So, I had to finish my shower using the faucet. With little water pressure. In cold water.

I was not happy.

It came at the end of a day full of small frustrations- trying to homeschool 2 kids with a toddler on my leg, said toddler wouldn’t eat & was thus grumpy all day, planning meals in advance so we can actually eat something other than bread or eggs (which I didn’t have either), finding out that our new home- which still doesn’t have an electric meter, thus we can’t move in- is located next to a daara (home for talibe boys). Forgot to ask that particular question about this particular house.

Do you ever have a bad day, deal with it, and the next morning there’s some latent bad attitude still hanging around? Happens to me quite frequently.

Woke up, schooled 2 kids with a toddler on my leg (or, crawling on the table, dumping out the pencil sharpener shavings and all the math manipulatives). Didn’t know what to have for lunch, etc., etc.

Ate leftovers and sat down to read my Bible.

Philippians 3:8 & following:

“I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish in order that I may gain Christ...”

It’s not a usual application, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that I have counted hot showers as loss because I know Jesus and have followed His call to the nations. If I were in America, water pressure or temperature wouldn’t be an issue.

God’s Word is beautiful. I love that He spoke to me today. I hope I remember what He said when I take a shower tonight...

1 comment:

Nicole said...

love you. I think you are supermom, and your superpowers come from Jesus :)